About Us
Mid-Mo Supernatural League consists of non-profit consultants serving homeowners and businesses in the Mid-Missouri area. Click here for a list of Mid-Missouri Counties served.
We recognize that unexplained incidents or paranormal phenomenon can occur and, sometimes, can be frightening. Whether the incident is normal or paranormal, the goal of our team is to investigate and document the phenomena so that we may provide information to the client/clients and therefore help them to understand what they are experiencing. Our team is trained to follow analytical protocol during investigations and attempt to rule out all other naturally occurring phenomenon, such as environmental effects and human influence.
At Mid-Mo Supernatural League we make an effort to deal with unexplained incidents using our own methods and techniques, but we will not hesitate to enlist the help of additional services, such as a local paranormal investigative team when a case remains obscure and cannot be completely explained or dealt with.

All paranormal evidence collected by our investigations will be kept confidential and will only be released or published when permission has been granted by our client/clients.
Mid-Mo Supernatural League is a "Free" service to those in need!
MMSL © 2014-2019 All rights reserved.