Orbs are considered an 'anomaly'.

A simple pair of divining rods

A chair that moves by itself is a form
of Poltergeist activity.

Precognitive Dreams are a
form of Divination.

Water scrying is one of the oldest forms of Divination.
Glossary of the Paranormal
Anomaly - anything odd, abnormal, strange or weird that is difficult to classify
Clairaudience - hearing voices, astral music or discarnated sounds
Clairoleofactor - to have an extraordinary sense of smell
Divination - to obtain knowledge about past, present and future events through various spiritual techniques
Divining Rod - a divining tool; a forked rod (from a tree) or two L-shaped brass rods to indicate the presence of spirits (divining rods can also be used to locate water, underground minerals and unknown graves)
Dowsing - a form of divining; the art of being able to detect spirits, find water/minerals, locate unmarked graves and cemeteries, etc.
Ectoplasm - is odd looking anomalies (usually appearing as curved or squiggly lines) and associated with the formation of spirits
Empath - a person who is affected by spiritual energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive an entity's emotional state. An empath is also able to "broadcast" emotions to others.
ESP (Extrasensory Perception) - the knowledge of external objects or events outside one's normal sense perception.
Faith Healing - is healing through spiritual means brought about by religious faith and prayer to stimulate a divine presence and power toward the said healing.
Intuition - an act of knowing without the use of usual rational processes.
Poltergeist - a general term applied to a variety of physical phenomena. These can include temperature variations, anomalous sounds, and movement of physical objects. Anecdotal reports suggest that many poltergeist focus on an individual under some form of emotional stress.
Precognition - pre-knowing; where nondeductible information about a future event is acquired.
Precognitive Dreams - to have dreams of events or incidents before they happen.
Postcognitive Dreams - opposite of Precognitive dreams; to be shown [in a dream] events/incidents from the past.
Psychometry - to touch an object with your hands and get information about the object [it's creator, its owner, or it's history].
Phenomenon - unexplained occurrences that is not within the range of understanding, such as an unidentified anomaly.
Scrying - a term used to cover a wide range of divination techniques, which parapsychology would tend to classify as types of ESP. It includes gazing into crystals/crystal balls, a bowl of water, mirrors, smoke, fire, etc.
Subliminal Perception - sensory impressions below the threshold of conscious awareness.
Trans-Channeling - a form of spirit communication; being in an altered state of consciousness (ie: to have severe personality shifts).
"An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself." ~ Charles Dickens
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